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How to Style Pillows on a Sectional Sofa

Sectional Sofa Styling styling guide

Styling pillows on a sectional sofa can be challenging. While it is similar to a sofa a sectional has a deep corner, the tricky issue that confuses us all. But, I am here to help. I've unfolded the process, guiding you through each step with a easy to use approach.


Sectional Sofa Styling by Hackner Home

Step No 1: Choose a Cornerstone Pillow

Our first step is to create a color palette. Use your sectional's fabric color as the starting point. Before you start remember to select colors that harmonize with your sectional sofa and complement each other well. To start, chose a pillow cover design you like as the main cornerstone. For example, it may be a floral pattern with multiple colors. This is the cheery on top of the design and goes in the center section of the sectional sofa. By using colors in this pillow cover you can start building a color pallet. Incorporate colors that speak to your design using three to five colors overall.

Styling a sectional sofa by Hackner Home

Choose pillow patterns that play well with the cornerstone pillow cover you select. as the color pallet and style inspiration. A rule of thumb is to use different patterns in groupings. So, if the cornerstone pillow is floral you want to stay away from layering another busy design with it. Instead use plaids, solids, and stripes to work well with your floral pattern. Here's a designer's hint to making an amazing pillow grouping design. . .Getting fabric samples when putting together a design help you to design with confidence. 


Sectional Sofa Styling by Hackner Home 


Step No. 2: Begin Arranging. 

Begin with the deep corner of the sectional and position the largest pillow there. We recommend a 24x24 inch pillow cover with a 26x26 inch pillow insert. Although it may seem sizable, it ensures visibility among the layered pillows in the front.


How to style a sectional sofa by Hackner Home



Pillow Insert fit guide by Hackner Home


Step No. 3: Layer in the Next Size. 

Let's talk pillow sizes. Size and order of sizing is very important to get the right look. To create layers add smaller pillows in front. For example, adding a 22x22 pillow, then a 20x20 pillow. 


Pillow Combo by Hackner Home



You can also use lumbars in the design for more styling options. 


Pillow Combos by Hackner Home


So, this corner is the pillow hub – the more, the merrier! How many you go for depends on your sectional size and your personal style.  


Step No. 4: Add in the Side Ends.

Now that the challenging part is done lets get to the side ends. Place 22x22 inch pillow covers at both ends as the first layer of the sectional. Use a 24x24 inch pillow inserts to ensure a full look a good support. Layer another pillow cover size 20x20 with a 22x22 insert in front. Feel free to add some variety by layering lumbar pillows in sizes like 14x20 or 12x24. If your sofa has ample space, consider placing three pillows on each end for a well-balanced look.

Typically in my per-designed sectional sofa designs I use two pillows on each end as it is more common. Look below to see the pillow cover to pillow insert size guide.


How to style a sectional sofa by Hackner Home


Sectional pillow insert guide Hackner Home


Special Note:

If your sectional sofa is unique or very large you may need a little assistance to get just the right look.


U shape sectional sofa


U Shpe Sectional




No worries. I offer design help.

Pillow styling design help by Jona Hackner, HacknerHome.com

 Email Design@HacknerHome.com with subject line "Design Help". Add pictures of your space and the colors you like to use and we can start the process.